Data Protection / Privacy Notice

How information about you will be used.

  1.  We care about your privacy.
  2. We want you to be confident in the way we use your personal information to ensure you receive the best possible care. Your records are used to facilitate the care you receive, which helps us give you the best possible service and treatment.
  3. We collect and hold data for the sole purpose of providing healthcare services to patients and we will ensure that the data is kept confidential. Confidentiality is an important duty.
  4. Any information collected will be held on file securely and meet the standards of data protection. We will maintain records about your health and any treatment or care you have received previously. This may include results of investigations, such as laboratory tests, x-rays, treatments etc. We may retain medical information from other health professionals.
  5. Your healthcare records may be electronic, on paper, or a mixture of both and we use a combination of working practices and technology to ensure that your information is kept confidential and secure.
  6. Sometimes we will send your information to others, but this is only in the case of referrals, investigations or insurance queries. You will be kept fully informed of any information to be forwarded.
  7. We may contact you via email or text as reminders of appointments.
  8. Medical records may be kept for a minimum of 7 years or possibly longer, even if you have been discharged. This is in case of re-referral back to the Consultant and your past medical records would be available to us.
  9. Individuals can withdraw their consent at any time for all the above and can also request information to be corrected and deleted from our records. You can do this by writing/emailing the relevant Consultant whose care you are under, or alternatively emailing where your request will be passed to the appropriate Consultant.
  10. We will act on this withdrawal of consent as soon as feasibly possible.
  11. We do not penalise individuals who wish to withdraw their consent.
  12. We have processes in place to refresh consent at appropriate intervals.

Posted May 10, 2018 by cmm