Covid-19 has certainly made everything and everyone in this world look at things differently.
It has helped communities come together and neighbours, maybe even getting to know people they never knew before and helping them out. I think we have all had time to look at our lives and see the good, the bad or the indifference.
Another good thing is the environment has benefitted from some of the changes we have had to make. There are certainly more birds in my garden and I even saw a Stork the other day when out walking my dog. It landed on a fence nearby, but unfortunately I wasn’t quick enough to get a photo before it flew away! Countries have seen more animals making an appearance in towns and cities, like goats in Llandudno, ducks leading their little ones across Roehampton Way, London last month and the Police trying to direct them 🤣 Coyotes in San Francisco and many more cities all over the world invaded with other animals. Hopefully this will be a reminder to all that we should preserve our environment, take care if it and of course love animals.
One thing that has significantly changed for a lot of people is working from home. People have found use of the new technology that is out there, some that they never even knew existed. Some Consultants I am sure never thought they would use telephone consultations of video consultations but here we are.
My daughter is a dance teacher and is even doing lessons by video link, which the students enjoy and value immensely during this difficult time. I have found Zoom which we use for a family quiz every Sunday evening.
Maybe now is the time for everyone to sit back and ask what can I change to benefit my work/life balance, to spend more time with the family and friends or even more ‘me’ time.
Also does my PA/Secretary need to travel into the office every day, could they work from home some days at least, if not all the time. Is it essential to be on-site every day? I’m sure many people are working from home currently due to Covid-19 and find it is possible.
Many people are very new to this concept and maybe not everyone welcomes it. I know people sometimes think what about the phones, filing, diary management, contact with people, you must be in an office on-site to make it work. This present situation though has shown it’s not absolutely necessary. Phones can still be answered, emails replied to, documents can be saved and available to people, diaries can be managed and shared remotely and even telephone or video consultations can happen. The technology is there and whatever problems may arise, there is usually always a solution that can be found. Nothing is impossible! Also, think of the money saved not having to pay overheads for an office on-site for your secretary and extra costs involved. Support from home is a real option and it works.
I have worked mainly from home since 2009 full-time, so it’s second nature to me. I can learn any new software quickly and work my way around it with relative ease. I remember being told once by a computer programmer “just tell it what you want it to do and don’t be afraid of breaking it”
So if you need any help, advice or PA/secretarial support whether temporary, permanent or ad-hoc please don’t hesitate to contact me. I am happy to help either as a one-off, occasionally, or all the time and even give free advice if required.
One of the most inspiring things we must all remember about COVID-19 and the year 2020, is how important our key-workers are and how much they have given and recognise their contribution to this crisis, sadly sacrificing their lives in some cases. I am sure they will all be remembered and missed so very much.
Take care everyone and stay safe.
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